living god church

opportunities in ministry await you at Arise & Build Leadership Centre.

In our family, many generations were only able to have one child. My wife and I could only bear one child as well and were told by the doctor that due to my wife’s severe thyroid problem, would never be able to conceive. I came to a prayer service at Living God Church and in response to Pastor’s preaching on double-blessings, asked Jesus for a second baby. That week, my wife became pregnant! We now have a beautiful son!

I suffered from tinnitus (ringing in the ears) for three months and was told by many specialists that I would require surgery to give me relief. During one of the prayer services at LGC, Pastor Christo asked sick people to lay their hands on the affected body part as he prayed for healing. I was healed immediately, and have been free from this health condition ever since!

I was addicted to alcohol for 7 years. After I began watching Theiveega Thoduthal on TV, the messages given by Pastor Christo powerfully convicted me of my sin. I turned to Jesus, was completely delivered from alcoholism and now live in peace with my family!

I suffered from painful uterus cysts and the doctors urged me to have surgery. After attending the 21 days of fasting prayer services at LGC, Pastor Christo prayed for me. I was afterward examined by a doctor and told I didn’t need surgery! Since that day I am doing great. Thank you, Pastor Christo!